Conversational bots are mainly used for interactions with users in different channels like Teams, WebChat and so on. These Bots helps in automated conversation with users.
- Azure Subscription
- Sample Echo Bot Solution
- Sample React App Solution
Step-by-Step Guide: Configuring Bot Services in Azure
1.Navigate to Azure Portal: Access the Azure Portal and go to the “MarketPlace”.
2.Create an Azure Bot: Select “AzureBot” from the Marketplace and enter the required bot details as mentioned below.
3.Once created, select Configuration and copy TenantID, BotType, Microsoft App ID and password (Manage password) from the Bot. We will be using in the Echo Bot Solution.
4.In the Echo Bot solution, in the app settings file,
MicrosoftAppType – Bot Type.
MicrosoftAppId – App Id copied from Azure portal.
MicrosoftAppPassword – App password copied from Azure portal.
MicrosoftAppTenantId – TenantId from Azure portal.
5.Run the application and get the ngrok Url for the echo bot solution. (We can also publish this solution and get Azure App service url).
6.In the created Azure Bot ->MessagingEndPoint, Paste the ngrokurl+/api/message.
7.Once saved, click Test in Webchat to see the result of echo Bot in WebChat itself.
8.Click ->Channels->WebChat->Choose the site and copy the Embedded code.
9.Copy the Secret keys from the same window.
1.WebSite Deployment:
We can use this “iframe” in any of our website source code to include this Bot.
2.Teams Deployment:
In Teams, Go to Developer Portal ->New App,
1.Create a New App with the required details like below.
2.In the Basic Information, give Application (Client)Id to App Id copied from Azure portal.
3.In the app features ,Choose Bot ->Enter the same app ID copied from Azure portal as we have created the bot already.
Alternative to these steps are,
Create App registration in Azure Portal and copy the App Id to Application(Client) id in Basic information page .
In App features->Bot->Create a new Bot here.
4.Choose the required field in App features and click save.
Under Scope,
– If Bot is to be added as separate app, choose “personal “.
– If Bot is to be added as tab in any teams, Choose “Teams”.
For Example, I have chosen both here.
5.In permission, select all the fields and click save.
6.Optional step is to add the domain (ngrok url ) under domains tab.
Click Preview in Teams->Add.
The App will be added as a separate Bot and user can continue to chat.
Hope this blog helps you to deploy Bot in channels like Teams and other Websites.
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